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Hope has a variety of opportunities for adults to learn, find support and serve together. It begins with our large group gathering for worship and teaching Sunday mornings and filters into smaller sized groups where, along with being inspired to grow, connections are made and friendships are built. 


GRO GROUPS focus on the study of a special topic or book with a small group of adults.  Gro Groups are semester based and seasonal, with semesters running 6-8 weeks in fall and spring.  Learning, growing together and making life application are the main goals of Gro Groups.  Entry points to groups take place one month prior to a group’s launch (Sept or Jan). Groups are newly formed each semester, some meeting in homes, some meeting Sunday evenings at Hope.   If you have interest in leading a Gro Group, contact Pastor Dave. 

Visit our events page for a current list of Gro Groups.


LIFE GROUPS focus on providing a place for a group of believers to find connection, build relationships, and strengthen their faith. The ongoing hope of these church Life Groups is for each person to find the encouragement, support, and the spiritual fellowship needed to help cultivate their own and others’ faithfulness to Christ.  Most Life Groups meet once a month, some vary.  New groups form as needed. If you have interest in forming and leading a LG, contact Pastor Dave.

Visit our events page for a current list of Life Groups and to sign up to join a group.


SUNDAY ADULT BIBLE STUDY (commonly known as Sunday School) are classes that meet each Sunday morning at Hope for the purpose of Biblical education. However, they also provide a space to make new connections and for shared prayer support. On any given Sunday there are three classes running simultaneously. One is a general study of a book of the Bible, a ladies’ study group and a topical group. Groups meet from 9:00-10:15am. 




Our WOMEN of HOPE plan events throughout the year that encourage the development of relationships and give opportunity for discipleship. They also have a Women's Bible Study that meets in the fall and spring for encouragement and teaching unique to women and their calling as women of God.  


The MEN of HOPE meet primarily in Life Groups monthly, with a breakfast Summit three times a year.


Special events for both men and women are peppered in throughout the year. Check the events page regularly for special events.  Questions?  Contact Pastor Dave.


Our Young Adult Ministry meets at various times for events, study and quality time getting to know other young adults.​ If you would like more information or would like to receive emails about upcoming events, please contact Bill & Joan Drummer.


The Grief Share program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief.  This is a 13 week class, but you do not have to commit to all 13 weeks, as each week deals with a different topic.  Contact Linda Nielsen or Lisa Henley-Mohler with any questions.


WORLD VIEW MONTHLY actually fits the bill for Life Groups, having the X Factor of interest in cultural events and the world views they represent. But since WVM is not solely populated by Hope members (it’s an Issachar Imperative formed group), it is not a LG. WVM is made up of people from a wide range of ages and church backgrounds that get together to discuss the implications of developing news stories, social media trends and other noteworthy cultural items in light of a biblical word view. WVM meets at 7pm, the 2nd Tuesday night of the month at Hope and is open to the public, no sign ups necessary.


ESSENTIALS OF DISCIPLESHIP is a 40 week course studying the core of Christian discipleship. The goal is to make progress toward spiritual maturity, to grow in your knowledge of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and to evaluate whether leadership in the church might be for you. Completing the EoD course will soon be a requirement for a leadership position at Hope. Five classes make up the EoD course: BIBLE, S.H.A.P.E., DEVOTION, DOCTRINE, & LEADERSHIP. Essentials is great for beginners in the faith as well as seasoned disciples. 


For more information, contact Pastor Dave.

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