6/21 Hebrews 13 #17 Jesus > Everything
The marks of an enduring faith emerge from the text. These distinct marks come, not from a general faith or a faith in some unknown god or goddess. These unique marks come from a faith in the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Son of God. It’s faith in Him as He is the sacrifice.
A quick look at chapters 12 and 13 sees the following emerge as marks associated with people who believe that Jesus is greater than all and our only hope of salvation. They strive against sin and lay aside things that are bothersome in their struggle against sin. Being godly is an achievable goal in God’s eyes and theirs. They recognize that God Himself is will discipline them for the purpose of their own good, and perhaps His purposes. This discipline is a training in righteousness. We are a people who seek to strengthen the weak and pursue peace and sanctification by the grace of God, not by our own abilities. The belief that the living God is a holy, but faithful being brings a counterbalance to all of life. And we seek to hear from this God regularly because He speaks to us regularly. The kingdom of God is that which cannot be shaken or destroyed therefore aligning with everything we can know about it is paramount.
What that looks like is that we love and look to be hospitable, even to strangers. We remember those in prison for the sake of their faith in Christ or are seeking a faith in Christ. We love in our marriages and remain faithful in our covenants, knowing God is judge. Our contentment in life is not dependent on our level of financial security, but on the presence of God in our lives Who will never leave us or forsake us. The teachings that have been passed on to us through the eternal word of God do not change nor are they revised in meaning as fits the direction of the cultural wind of the day. And our citizenship is in a lasting city which is yet to come. So we do not give up on doing good, but seek opportunity daily, because that is the ultimate reflection of our God - that we seek the good of others as He seeks our good.
It is my hope that this is what marks you and in increasing ways.
These are the marks the writer of Hebrews notes.
What are three other marks of enduring faith that you think should also be included (as marked somewhere else in Scripture)?
This has been a great series, and really looking forward to leaning into the next couple of weeks of the review of Faith, from Hebrews 11. Faith endures, and I often (as I am sure many) struggle with keeping faith, full at hand. I guess this just comes from the sinful self not keeping my eyes focused on Jesus at all times. When we focus our eyes on ourselves, things get blurry real quick (like instantaneously).
When I do 'look away' and then focus back correctly, there are many times I am reminded of what is required of my faith. While the scripture if full of marks of faith, here are just a few of my own perspectives.
Luke 14:26-33…