Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Lamentations 5:1-22
C.S. Lewis often has characters in his beloved Chronicles of Narnia, ask Aslan (the great lion who is the Christ figure) a, “what would have happened if we had done this, or if this had happened?” kind of question. Representing what God might say to us in a similar situation, Aslan’s answer is usually along these lines: we can never know what would have been, we can only learn what can now be. It is our job, our duty as disciples of that Christ, regardless of the tragic situation we may find ourselves, to learn what the path of obedience looks like here and now, without anything changing anytime soon. This is not the answer we want to hear. It’s not the answer we want our prophets to say. We want to hear that it’s all going to change soon and everything will be better soon. The truth is it might not change as we would hope and we might as well start to make the best of it – with the help of Jesus, now.
Aslan isn’t going to come roaring in anytime soon to our rescue and Jesus isn’t actually likely to return soon. So it is incumbent upon us to pray for the people in our lives, for the prosperity of the town and city we live in, for their well being and God to be at work in our neighbors. And then live our lives with love and in truth.
Sometimes our circumstances are not the things that will be changing, but our hearts are the things that are meant to change.
Jesus will certainly return one day and that final restoration will be incredible. But in the meantime, life is worth the living because He died and now lives and will come again with that indescribable gift in hand. For now He gives us His Spirit to empower us when we cannot seem to find the strength we need or see clearly enough to know what to do next. His amazing grace is sufficient and His mercies are indeed new every morning, and great is His faithfulness.