Lamentations Series Part 1 “The Aftermath” 9/30/18 Lamentations 1:1-22
Sometimes the WHY questions are being answered and we don’t hear the answers. Sometimes individuals are swept along in the larger answer.
Sometimes we cannot possibly know why certain things happen – and we aren’t meant to.
Sometimes we have an inkling of why, but don’t want to speak of it. Sometimes we are eager to jump to conclusions for why things are happening. Sometimes we’re better off not making hasty judgments and simply determining to live faithfully in the midst of the difficult or even chaotic circumstances that lie before us.
A Matt Kearney song has the eerie line, “we’re all just one phone call from our knees.” This lyric is a sobering thought and maybe it and the message of Lamentations is a not so subtle call to humility. Paul lends a hopeful tone to his view of tribulations that he invites to embrace – and for good reason. “…we exult in tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint…”
At the end of the day, we can all use more hope. And that hope ultimately comes from the love of God being poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
This is a great reminder and a worthy prayer today regardless of where we find our selves living and serving.