9/10/17 Colossians 1:1-14
Self Assessment: Who’s winning the battle of distractions? Do you get easily distracted when trying to read the Bible? It’s probably not even a bad thing that distracts you but something good. Small good things can sidetrack us just as easily as bad things, from what we know can produce in us the best of results.
Every time I win the battle of distractions and get some good exercise, I feel so much better physically. The same is true when I give myself to some spiritual exercise (reading the Word), I feel so much more in-tune and in-step with the Spirit. {Galatians 5:25}
What distracts you most?
Required Action: “I don’t know how to pray”, can never be said again if you’re reading this. Hey! Don’t stop reading!
Start today to pray for all who worship with us at Hope, what Paul prayed for the Colossians in verses 1:9-11: Ask God for them… - to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will - to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing to Him - to bear fruit in every good work they do - to be strengthened according to His might for steadfastness and patience (or for whoever you’re praying for)
And if that’s not enough, pray what Paul prayed in Philippians 1:9,10: Pray that… - their love may abound more and more with knowledge - their love may abound with all discernment, so that they would approve what is excellent. Ahhh, wisdom and discernment: two jewels of the same crown! Anyone would be blessed to have this prayed for them.
Have you prayed this yet for anyone?
Observations and Reminders: Elitist intellectuals in the academic and secular world today replace the spiritual gnostics Pastor Ryan referenced yesterday. And as intelligent as the Greeks appeared to be, they still believed in a weird array of gods in their mythology. And as the Enlightenment encroached upon us, some got so smart they did away with believing in any deity at all. It just goes to show that one’s level of intelligence doesn’t always equate to one’s ability or maybe more accurately, one’s willingness to accept and acknowledge the reality of one true sovereign God. Sometimes our perceived intelligence becomes our distraction or excuse.
{1 Corinthians 1:18-21}
Do you know anyone who is too smart for belief in God? If they think that, what do you do?
